
Tips for using Webex

Have an upcoming Webex meeting with your MD Advisor*?

While we have shifted all client meetings to virtual formats, MD Financial Management (MD) is well equipped to continue to operate effectively. For virtual meetings, MD uses Cisco Webex, a virtual conferencing software that allows its users to collaborate in an online environment.

Once a meeting is scheduled, your MD Advisor will email a meeting invitation to you that will include details on how to join the meeting. You can join from your computer, mobile device or phone or from a video system.


Tips for efficient virtual meeting experiences

1. Join a test meeting before your scheduled Webex session
We highly encourage you to join a test meeting prior to the meeting so you can:
• check your system’s compatibility
• address any connectivity issues prior to the Webex meeting
• reduce technical issues and have an efficient meeting

To do so, click Join a test meeting.

2. Reduce background applications and simultaneous streaming activities
To improving audio and/or video quality during meetings, close other applications and browser windows before the meeting. Try to reduce simultaneous streaming activities where possible as well. Depending on your location and how many people are using the same Wi-Fi as you are, you may see slower speeds on Wi-Fi.

3. If you experience low connectivity, turn off your video
If you notice that the meeting is choppy or lags due to low connectivity, try turning off your video. This may allow for a smoother meeting without technical issues. In this case, Webex may suggest lowering your resolution as well.

4. Reduce background noise
To reduce background noise, try muting yourself when you aren’t talking.

5. Switch to the call-in option if you can’t join a meeting from your computer
If you choose to join the conference using a phone, call into the meeting using the number given in the email invitation, and use the access code and attendee ID to connect when prompted.


Connecting to Webex

  • In the meeting invitation, click the link to go to the Webex website.
  • If prompted, log in with your name and email address, and then click “Next.”
  • Test your audio and video before selecting “Join Meeting.”
  • A meeting can be joined through:

Webex features

Once you are connected and have joined the meeting, you will see the following features:

  • audio (muting/unmuting yourself)
  • video (the capability to turn your video on/off)
  • a button for leaving a meeting

Frequently asked questions

An email invitation with meeting information will be sent to you once a meeting is scheduled. You can join a meeting through your browser or mobile device, or by calling in.

To join through your browser:
• Open your email invitation, click “Join” and select “Join from your browser.”
• On the next screen, you will have the choice to turn on your audio and/or video prior to the meeting.
• You will also be prompted to choose your audio settings (use computer for audio, call in, call me or don’t connect audio). We recommend using the default, use computer for audio, if you’re using your computer with speakers or a headset.
• Click “Join meeting.”

To join from your mobile device:
• Using your mobile device, open your email invitation and click “Join.”
• On the next screen, you will have the choice to turn on your audio and/or video prior to the meeting.
• You will also be prompted to choose how you want to hear the meeting (use internet for audio, call in, call me or don’t connect audio).
• Click “Join.”

• Note: Android users connecting for the first time will be prompted to download the Cisco Webex Meetings app. Apple devices have the option of connecting through a browser, or Apple users can download the app.

• An alternative way to join a meeting from your mobile device is to open the app, select “Join meeting,” and enter your name and email address.

To join by calling in:
• Webex offers two ways to connect by calling in, and the email invitation will list two numbers.
• To join from your mobile device, simply tap the first number provided. This will automatically call the number and enter the meeting information for you.
• To join by phone, call the second number and enter the access code to join the meeting.
• This option allows for audio only (you will be unable to use video with this option).
This message often shows up if you join a meeting more than 15 minutes before the start time or if the host has not joined yet.
You are highly encouraged to join a test meeting before your scheduled meeting. Joining a test meeting will allow you to check your system compatibility and address any connectivity issues. As a result, you will experience a quicker meeting load time. To do so, click Join a test meeting.

You may also wish to test your internet speed prior to the meeting. To do so, click Testing internet speed.

To avoid these types of technical issues, you are highly encouraged to join a test meeting before your scheduled meeting for the reasons outlined immediately above.

You may also wish to test your internet speed prior to the meeting, as recommended above.

Alternatively, you can join the meeting by calling in. Your email invitation will provide a number and meeting access code for you to call in from your phone. Note that the calling in option will have audio only (no video option).

Before joining a meeting, you can choose how to connect to the audio and have the following options: use computer or internet for audio (default option), call me (enter your phone number if you’d like the meeting to call you to join), call in (call the number provided in the meeting invitation using your mobile device) and don’t connect audio (you won’t hear any audio).

During the meeting, you can also mute or unmute yourself by clicking the mute or unmute microphone button.
If your webcam, device camera or external camera is working, you can choose whether to have your video on or off. During the meeting, you can also connect or disconnect from video at any point by clicking the turn off my video button.
Try to reduce simultaneous streaming activities where possible. Depending on your location and how many people are using the same Wi-Fi as you are, you may see slower speeds on Wi-Fi and that may affect video or audio quality.
First, please check that your audio is not on mute. If you are still experiencing difficulties with your computer audio, you can join the meeting by phone instead. Your email invitation will provide a number and meeting access code for you to call in from your phone.